I Can’t Believe It’s Been A Month….

Since Hubby, Ducky and I told Shadow how much we love her – will always love her – and then let her go be with her soul-sister Callie. This is my favorite photo of my Golden Girls from several years ago….Jason's Pix 016

We miss our sweet girl so much. Ducky misses having company when we have to leave the house. She misses having a buddy to share the perimeter patrol duties with, and to bark at the neighbors’ dogs with, and to fuss at over time on the dog beds. About the only thing Ducky doesn’t miss about Shadow is the competition for our attention.

Hubby’s not a big believer in spiritual visits. It’s a shame for him. Being open to them myself, I feel better knowing my Golden Angels are always with me. And always watching over Ducky as well. It’s just so hard not having them here physically to love on and watch play with each other and cuddle together and discipline Ducky.

Anyway, it’s at least a little easier to look at photos of my girls without dissolving into a puddle of tears. So, here are some pix of Callie and Shadow together when they were still pups….

My Golden Girls were rarely apart in life; and when they were apart, they spent the time looking for each other. Now they’re together again, the way they were always meant to be.

17 thoughts on “I Can’t Believe It’s Been A Month….

  1. My GBGV Life says:

    Great memories of them over the years. My mom is still so upset about losing Emma, we don’t know when she will start to feel better. We are glad you are doing a bit better, and we send our love to Ducky too. Neither Bailie nor I have ever been only dogs, but we are sure it is very different from having at least one sibling around.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Golden Life says:

      Aw, Madison, my heart goes out to your Mom. Losing Emma so suddenly was a terrible shock to her heart. At least with Shadow I sensed it was a possibility. You and Bailie are sweet girls and I know you’re helping your Mom as best you can. She will be okay. It just takes time. Ducky and I send you, Bailie, and your Mom our love, too. Hugs from me and puppy kisses from Ducky.


  2. Jan K says:

    What wonderful photos and such beautiful memories. It’s so hard when that’s all we have left…memories and photos and feeling their spirits. Those things are good, but will never be the same. Yesterday was the one year anniversary of Cricket’s passing. I didn’t intend to, but was looking for photos for a post I was writing, and ended up finding many of her and Sheba that made me smile. That made the day a little better.
    Hugs to you, because I know how much fresher your pain is than mine. Hugs to sweet Ducky too! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Golden Life says:

      Aw, Jan, hugs to you and Luke, too. I knew we were close to Cricket’s “anniversary”, but didn’t realize how close. I still remember the morning you called me. 😢 But, like you, now I can smile at the photos of my girls and feel better knowing their spirits are close by. I think Ducky feels Shadow’s spirit at times – she’ll stand at the gate in front of the bedroom door and just look in there as though she expects to see Shadow asleep next to the bed. (((Sigh)))


  3. edgar62 says:

    The Golden Girls are so lovely as puppies and all grown up. The photographs were beautiful and I can understand how much you miss them both. I feel sad that Ducky will miss her sisters/companions. It hardly seems like a month already. We send you – and hubby – our love and let you know that we are thinking of you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Golden Life says:

      Actually, Shadow’s AKC registration name was “Callie’s Shadow”. Little did I know then how appropriate the name would become over the years. And, yes, the photos and the knowing helps a lot these days. Sometimes I still have leaky eyes, but at least I can smile too. Thanks for the hugs my friend! They mean a lot!


  4. Dakota/Caren/Cody says:

    this was beautiful and I am so happy you shared (((hugs)))) I agree that the photo of yours that is your favorite, is extra special. Love the others too. I also agree with you that your babies may not be here physically, but they definitely are with you in spirit

    Liked by 1 person

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